

How MESSAGE.DK automate their shipping flow

MESSAGE A/S is an international multi-brand, which consists of 32 stores with a wide selection of the best Danish and international fashion brands. In 2014 Message decided to join the online fashion market and on Black Friday in 2015 MESSAGE.dk launched. For this, MESSAGE needed a system, which was not affected by servers that crashed, malfunctioned or needed updates and that made the process of handling orders and shipments as easy and fast as possible. Due to this, MESSAGE chose to implement Webshipper.

When we pack orders, the difference whether your shipping label is printed in five seconds or one second – it matters, when you have a lot of orders.
Marlene Jensen E-commerce Store Manager, MESSAGE

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An expansion

From jeans to online store

The story about Message started in 1980, the collection included three collections of jeans. The brand Message was established in 1986. The brand continued to grow, in 1997 was the first MESSAGE shop opened in Copenhagen, Denmark. 

Message launched their online ship on 2015 and in a high-competition market where the customers want their packages delivered within a day, it is important to stay updated with the newest systems in order to not fall behind. To MESSAGE, Webshipper is the link between the Webshop and the carriers, and this saves the employees a lot of time and manual work.

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1. Multiple Carriers

With Webshipper it’s possible to offer their customers better and more flexible shipping options


2. Reports

Reports and checklists for handling returns, click & collect or an end of day status. 


The benefits for MESSAGE

After implementing Webshipper in their systems, Message has experienced improvements, not only in their shipping and order handle flow, but also in their relationship with their shipping partner. With Wesbhipper Message can always call and get support, if they want alterations in their shipping setup. Webshipper Message can focus on what matters and that is selling more products online without worrying about shipping.

Trusted by businesses all over Scandinavia and beyond

We know that every business is unique. 

Discover how the Webshipper Shipping Platform has helped shops grow.

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