Carrier Server Integrations

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Webshipper Customer Support

What is it?

In the summer of 2021, Webshipper was acquisitioned by nShift and therefore joined forces with other similar products in the market. Together we started building one combined server for all carrier integrations. Collecting all carrier integrations in one place has increased efficiency and greatly improved carrier stability across all products.

How it works

As we progress, more and more legacy integrations are replaced with newer and more efficient integrations from the carrier server. Today Webshipper offers a wide variety of integrations from the carrier server.

Why is this important?

Because as of January 1st 2023 some of our carrier integrations are being replaced with a similar one connected to the carrier server rather than just the Webshipper database. They may look identical, but the data behind it is far better.

What do I need to do?

You will need to create a new carrier in Webshipper with the replaced integration and setup all the details required for that specific carrier.

How do I do that?

Simply go to Connect > carrier > find it in the list and enter in your credentials for the carrier agreement and save it when finished.

What about my shipping methods and rates?

Don’t worry, these can easily be updated without much effort. Please follow this guide to see how you can update your shipping rates to match the new carrier.

Which carrier integrations are being replaced?

  • GLS NL
  • DPD Germany

What happens if I do not change my carrier?

You will not be able to book any shipments with the mentioned carriers after the 1st of January unless you make the change required.

Will the carrier id change?

Yes. As it is a new carrier, it will have a new id in the system, so if you have built something to connect to a specific carrier either Via API or via Webshipper workflows, they will also need to be updated.

Why the change on these carriers?

These are the carrier integrations that we are informed of, which will make a crucial change to the way they structure their API and/or their system internally. As we become aware of other carrier integrations that also require a change, we will of course, also replace these in time.

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