
*Video podcast only in Danish
From museum to webshop
Louisiana located in Humlebæk, Denmark is a world-class international art museum. Their exhibitions are famous far beyond the borders of the country and they attract visitors from all over the world. But it’s not just the exhibitions, the international literature festival or the digital Louisiana Channel that are of great quality and well-known internationally. The museum’s shop has been chosen as the world’s best museum shop of the year. This is something that the museum’s Head of Digital, Peder Wuth, is fully aware of must characterize Louisiana’s webshop.
The initial idea of setting up a webshop dates back to the year 2000, when it was first mentioned that Louisiana would become digital with an online store. When Covid-19 in March 2020 led to the closure of the museum, quick decisions were made to establish a webshop in a short time. The mission was to have an online store set up as soon as possible. The true potential was widely agreed upon.

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From manual processes to automations
After a quick startup of the digital shop with manual processes and picking items in the physical store, Louisiana switched to an automated order flow with Webshipper. The museum’s international impact meant that shipments abroad quickly became a reality, which is why more carriers, customs documentation and different freight rates based on locations and weight became necessary to be able to handle international shipping. Same year a collaboration for business development arose where Print-On-Demand also had to be implemented and the setup had to be optimized again.

1. Shipping automation
Automatic printing of picking lists and labels for incoming orders. With a single scan of a delivery note, labels with the correct information are created and printed.

2. Paperless customs
Automatic creation of paperless customs documentation for all orders outside the EU, which avoids errors and saves time and money.

3. Dynamic shipping rates
Displays dynamic freight rates at checkout, with specific profit, based on cost prices on freight agreement, which ensures the size of the packages or delivery address matches the delivery price.

4. Workflows
Workflows easily and automatically send specific Louisiana order information to a partner.
Investing in digital presence
Louisiana has invested in the museum’s digital presence for a long time. Head of Digital, Peder Wuth, tells about the digital channel of the museum, Louisiana Channel, which has close to 150,000 followers on YouTube, and lots of digital dissemination through the museum’s website and on social media.
Now the museum also has the webshop, which had a truly succesful kickoff during the first shutdown in March 2020. As the shutdown was quite unexpected, planning and processes had to be greatly accelerated. According to Peder Wuth, the webshop, which at that time was almost exclusively a mere thought, was realized in less than 3 weeks.
The news about the new webshop was fastly spread to almost half a million followers across the museum’s channels, and pretty quickly the realization of future need of larger warehouses and naturally optimization of order flow, order handling, shipping and shipments was crucial.

Om Louisiana
- Louisiana was inaugurated on August 14th 1958 and in 2019 was the year that set a record number of visitors with over 750,000 guests, making Louisiana Denmark’s most visited museum.
- Since 2010, Louisiana has hosted the annual International Literature Festival; Louisiana Literature with 12-14,000 participants.
- Founder of Louisiana, Knud W. Jensen, wrote as early as 2000 in a member magazine that a webshop was making its way.
- The shutdown due to Covid-19 was the kickoff of Louisiana’s webshop. It took less than 3 weeks from the first day of the Danish shutdown until Louisiana had turned their store into a warehouse for their brand new webshop.
- Already 5 weeks after the initial shutdown, they had automated their order flow with Webshipper.
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How Novictus print and send posters for a number of online poster shops with Webshipper.
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